New Release: Relationships With Humans Vol. 1

I am thrilled to share that I have released my 5th body of poetry and 1st poetry EP! The project is titled “Relationships With Humans Vol. 1.” This EP was birthed from my desire to hear a counter-narrative to the external and internal “noise” I was hearing as I reinvent myself sans the people pleasing and self-abandoning behaviors that I chose to adopt.

Relationships With Humans is very much an overview of what is to come in future works. The 11-tracks and twenty-three minutes begins with what I have been doing since I was 15 years old–journaling in order to get the confusion out of my head, only to lead into a conversation about my unorthodox needs for an intimate relationship.

The overarching themes of the EP are love (always, love), spirituality, reclamation, and connectedness. I could say so much about the project and I will do so at a later date. For now, I would much rather you experience it for yourself!

Click on the image below to be taken to the EP on Spotify. You can also stream and/or download the album on TidalYouTube MusicAmazon MusicSoundCloud, and other streaming and social media platforms (Yes, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok, too)! Feel free to come back here and share your comments about your experience listening to it!

Image: "Relationships With Humans" album cover
Image: “Relationships With Humans” album cover

Thank you all for being a part of my healing journey!

Sending you continued well wishes for you and your loved ones as you focus on love, justice, and liberation!

Speak Your Peace

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